Coordinated Mapping: How various efforts can work together
Dec 22, 2020
SFEI is coordinating the mapping for two inventories of surface waters, wetlands and other aquatic resources in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and along California’s coast. Both efforts will apply the California Aquatic Resource Inventory (CARI) standardized mapping methods and the final map will be integrated into EcoAtlas and made publicly available.
In collaboration with the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy and multi-agency Bay-Habitat Mapping Workgroup, SFEI will produce the Delta Aquatic Resource Inventory (DARI), a geospatial inventory of aquatic resources that will be used as a common base map for the Delta. Its standard regional approach to wetland classification and mapping will support wetland restoration planning, tracking, and reporting, and facilitate implementation of the California Wetland and Riparian Areas Monitoring Plan (WRAMP) in the Delta. This project is funded by USEPA and is scheduled to be completed in June 2021.
The Ocean Protection Council (OPC) and SFEI will develop a digital inventory of the wetlands and other surface waters of the contiguous, HUC-8 watersheds draining directly to the California coast. All aspects of the inventory are designed to help implement the OPC’s 2020-2025 Strategic Plan. While the inventory most directly addresses Objective 1.1 of Goal 1: Safeguard coastal and marine ecosystems and communities in the face of climate change, it has a nexus with many other OPC goals and objectives. Development of the coastal inventory will be advised by a new statewide wetland mapping committee of the California Wetland Monitoring Workgroup (CWMW). This project is funded by OPC and is scheduled to be completed in April 2022.
Establishing baselines of existing aquatic resources will increase the capacity to assess regional and statewide net change in the abundance, diversity and distribution of wetlands and support coordinated climate adaptation.
For more information contact Cristina Grosso, [email protected]
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Programs and Focus Areas:
Environmental Informatics Program
Resilient Landscapes Program