September 18, 2015 - 12:00am

RMP Annual Meeting 2015

The RMP Annual Meeting is held every year in the early fall. The meeting is an opportunity for RMP stakeholders to discuss current RMP projects and highlight interesting new research. The 2015 RMP Annual Meeting will be part of the 12th Biennial State of the Estuary (SOE) Conference. 

Agenda for the 2015 RMP Annual Meeting

September 18, 2015

8:30 - 10:00 AM: Early morning SOE plenary on drought issues

Session Title: Future Visions for Estuary Water Quality

10:35 AM
Moderator: Terry Young (Chair, SF Bay Water Board)

10:40 AM
The End of Wastewater: Sustainable Infrastructure for an Urban Estuary
David Sedlak (Malozemoff Chair Professor, University of California, Berkeley)

11:00 AM
The Future of Green Infrastructure for Stormwater Management and Climate Resilience
Andy Lipkis (President, TreePeople) (Presendation PDF)

11:20 AM
Greener Products for Bluer Waters. California's Safer Consumer Products Regulations
Meredith Williams (Deputy Director, California Department of Toxic Substances Control)

11:40 AM
Futuristic Water Quality Management in the Bay Area is Happening Now (Presentation PDF)
Thomas Mumley (Assistant Executive Officer, SF Bay Water Board)

12:00 Lunch

Session Title: Bay Area Water Infrastructure Planning and Implementation: The Future is Now

Description: Water infrastructure is critical to protect water quality in the Bay and support over 7 million people in the Bay Area. This session will outline major changes that are underway for the Bay Area water infrastructure, their costs, and their potential impacts to water quality.

1:20 PM
Moderator: Karin North (Palo Alto Regional Water Quality Control Plant)

1:25 PM
Big Plans for Improving Wastewater Infrastructure in San Francisco (Presentation PDF)
Michael Carlin (SF Public Utilities Commission, Deputy General Manager)

1:50 PM
Water Recycling Becomes Reality in the South Bay (Presentation PDF)
Pam John (Santa Clara Valley Water District) 

2:15 PM
Challenges of Water Recycling (Presentation PDF)
Ashwini Kantak, City of San Jose 

2:40 PM
The Economics of Clean Water in San Francisco Bay (Presentation PDF)
Ellen Hanak (PPIC) 

3:05 PM Break

Session Title: Water Quality in the Bay-Delta Estuary: Now and in the Future

Description: This session will cover current and future water quality in the Estuary. In the first presentation, the water quality indicators from the State of the Estuary Report will be presented, along with predictions of future water quality. The following two talks will highlight two future-oriented programs to manage chemicals and stormwater runoff to the Bay.

3:25 PM
Moderator: Adam Olivieri (EOA, Inc.)

3:30 PM
The State of Estuary Water Quality: 2015 and 2065 (Presentation PDF)
Jay Davis (SFEI-ASC)

3:55 PM
Emerging Contaminants: Tackling Tomorrow's Problems, Today (Presentation PDF)
Rebecca Sutton (SFEI-ASC)

4:20 PM
Green Infrastructure in San Mateo County: A Vision of the Future (Presentation PDF)
Matt Fabry (San Mateo County-wide Water Pollution Prevention Program)

4:45 PM Adjourn


RMP Posters at the 2015 RMP Annual Meeting

Microplastic Contamination in San Francisco Bay

Evaluation of Mercury and PCB Trends in San Francisco Bay Region Stormwater

CD3 Contaminant Data Display & Download: Innovative Visualization Tool for Accessing Water Quality Data


Programs and Focus Areas: 
Clean Water Program
Bay Regional Monitoring Program
Status & Trends
Sources, Pathways, & Loadings
Contaminants of Emerging Concern
Exposure & Effects