Oct 1, 2021

The EcoAtlas Site Mitigation Tool (Mitigation Tool) can be used to prioritize, plan, and track aquatic habitat projects in the watershed context. The Mitigation Tool is specifically designed to support the Watershed Approach for compensatory mitigation planning and assessment called for in the State Water Resources Control Board Procedures for Discharges of Dredged or Fill Material to Waters of the State. The Mitigation Tool can also support permits administered by US Army Corps of Engineers and US Environmental Protection Agency, under section 404(b)(1) of the US Clean Water Act. 

The Mitigation Tool has applications outside the realm of compensatory mitigation. It can be used to improve the ecological performance of all kinds of on-the-ground projects, including voluntary habitat creation, restoration, rehabilitation, and enhancement, as well as compensatory mitigation, by helping to assure their compatibility with each other and with their environmental settings, in a watershed or landscape context. 

Follow this link for more information.

Programs and Focus Areas: 
Environmental Informatics Program