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Collins, J. N.; May, M. 1998. Contamination of Tidal Wetlands. SFEI Contribution No. 228. Richmond CA.
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Josh Collins; Lowe, S. 2016. Framework to coordinate water quality improvement and wildlife habitat conservation to protect California streams, wetlands, and riparian areas.

Project funded by an USEPA Wetland Program Development Grant (Region 9) #99T05901: Framework for Coordinated Assessment of CA Wildlife Habitat and Aquatic Resource Areas

. SFEI Contribution No. 776. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Richmond, CA. p 89.

The emergence of comparable landscape approaches to wildlife conservation and water quality improvement through federal and California state regulatory and management programs provides an opportunity for their coordination to better protect California’s aquatic resources, especially streams, wetlands, and riparian areas. Such coordination is patently desirable.  A framework has been developed to help coordinate restoration and compensatory mitigation across policies governing wildlife conservation and water quality in the landscape context. The framework is based on the Wetland and Riparian Area Monitoring Plan (WRAMP) of the California Wetland Monitoring Workgroup (CWMW) of the Water Quality Monitoring Council. The framework presented in this memorandum is a version of the standard WRAMP framework. It only differs from the standard framework to better accommodate wildlife conservation planning, assessment and reporting. To distinguish this version from the standard version, it is termed the 'WRAMP for wildlife'.

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Collins, J. N.; Sutula, M.; Stein, E. 2003. DRAFT California Rapid Assessment (CRAM) Verification Approach. SFEI Contribution No. 283. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Oakland, CA. p p. 9.
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Collins, J. N. 2002. Summary of Crissy Field Monitoring Elements. San Francisco Estuary Institute.
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Committee, G. Bypass Pro. 2010. Grassland Bypass Project Report 2006-2007. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Oakland.
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Connor, M. S.; Montagna, P. A.; Alber, M.; Doering, P. 2002. Freshwater inflow: Science, Policy, and Managment. Estuaries 25, 1243-1245 . SFEI Contribution No. 271.
Connor, M. S.; Davis, J. A. 2008. The State of San Francisco Bay: Water Quality. National Water Quality Monitoring Conference.
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Connor, M.; Yee, D.; Davis, J. A.; Werme, C. 2004. Dioxins in San Francisco Bay: Conceptual Model/Impairment Assessment. SFEI Contribution No. 309. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Oakland. p 60.
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Daum, T.; Lowe, S.; Toia, R.; Bartow, G.; Fairey, R.; Anderson, J.; Jones, J. 2000. Sediment Contamination in San Leandro Bay, CA. SFEI Contribution No. 48. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Oakland, CA.
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David, N.; Shonkoff, S. B.; Hayworth, J. 2004. Phase 2 (2003) Bioassessment of Waterbodies Treated with Aquatic Pesticides. SFEI Contribution No. 117. San Francisco Estuary Insitute: Oakland, CA.
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David, N.; Gluchowski, D. C.; Leatherbarrow, J. E.; Yee, D.; McKee, L. J. . 2015. Estimation of Contaminant Loads from the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta to San Francisco Bay. Water Environment Research 87 (4), 334-346.

Contaminant concentrations from the Sacramento-San Joaquin River watershed were determined in water samples mainly during flood flows in an ongoing effort to describe contaminant loads entering San Francisco Bay, CA, USA. Calculated PCB and total mercury loads during the 6-year observation period ranged between 3.9 and 19 kg/yr and 61 and 410 kg/yr, respectively. Long-term average PCB loads were estimated at 7.7 kg/yr and total mercury loads were estimated at 200 kg/yr. Also monitored were PAHs, PBDEs (two years of data), and dioxins/furans (one year of data) with average loads of 392, 11, and 0.15/0.014 (OCDD/OCDF) kg/yr, respectively. Organochlorine pesticide loads were estimated at 9.9 kg/yr (DDT), 1.6 kg/yr (chlordane), and 2.2 kg/yr (dieldrin). Selenium loads were estimated at 16 300 kg/yr. With the exception of selenium, all average contaminant loads described in the present study were close to or below regulatory load allocations established for North San Francisco Bay.

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David, N. 2009. Sustainable Cotton Project. SFEI Contribution No. 592. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Oakland, Ca.
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David, N.; Greenfield, B. K.; Siemering, G. S. 2006. Evaluating impacts of Lake Maid plant control. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 44, 60-66.
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David, N.; McKee, L. J. . 2009. Going Organic Project. SFEI Contribution No. 588. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Oakland, Ca.
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David, N.; Oros, D. R. 2002. Identification and evaluation of unidentified organic contaminants in the San Francisco Estuary. SFEI Contribution No. 45. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Oakland, CA.
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David, N. 2009. Best Management Practices in Stone Fruit Project. San Francisco Estuary Institite: Oakland, Ca.
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Davis, J. A. 2000. Chlorinated Hydrocarbons in the San Francisco Estuary and its Watershed. In Draft Chapter in Spies, R.B. (ed.). Contaminants and Toxicity in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, Its Cathchment, and the San Francisco Estuary - A CALFED White Paper. Applied Marine Sciences, Livermore, CA.. Draft Chapter in Spies, R.B. (ed.). Contaminants and Toxicity in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, Its Cathchment, and the San Francisco Estuary - A CALFED White Paper. Applied Marine Sciences, Livermore, CA.
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Davis, J. A.; McKinney, M.; Mok, M.; Stoelting, M.; Wainwright, S. E.; May, M. D.; Petreas, M.; Roberts, C.; Taberski, K.; Tjeerdema, R. S.; et al. 1999. Contaminants Concentrations in Fish from San Francisco Bay, 1997. SFEI Contribution No. 35. San Francisco Estuary Institute, Richmond, CA, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, Moss Landing, CA, Hazardous Materials Laboratory, Cal/EPA, Berkeley, CA, Institute of Marine Sciences, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, San Francisco Bay Regional Wa: Richmond, CA.
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