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Cohen, A. N.; Carlton, J. T. 2007. Introduced Marine and Estuarine Invertebrates. In The Light & Smith Manual: Intertidal Invertebrates of the California and Oregon Coast. Carlton, J. T., Ed.. The Light & Smith Manual: Intertidal Invertebrates of the California and Oregon Coast. University of California Press: Berkeley, Ca.
Cohen, A. N.; Schaeffer, K.; McGourty, K.; Cosentino-Manning, N.; De La Cruz, S. E. Wainwri; Elliot, M.; Allen, S. 2007. Introduction for Report on the Subtidal Habitats and Associated Biological Taxa in San Francisco Bay. In Report on the Subtidal Habitats and Associated Biological Taxa in San Francisco Bay. Report on the Subtidal Habitats and Associated Biological Taxa in San Francisco Bay. NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service. p 35.
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Oram, J. J.; McKee, L. J. .; Davis, J. A.; Hetzel, F. 2007. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in San Francisco Bay. Environmental Research 105, 67-86 . SFEI Contribution No. 526.
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NOAA,. 2007. San Francisco Bay, CA: Comprehensive ecosystem evaluation needed to discern causes of chlorophyll a increases. In 2007 National Eutrophication Assessment. 2007 National Eutrophication Assessment. Washington, D.C. pp 113-114.
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Cohen, A. N.; Schaeffer, K.; Cosentino-Manning, N. 2007. Shellfish Beds in Report on the Subtidal Habitats and Associated Biological Taxa in San Francisco Bay. In Report on the Subtidal Habitats and Associated Biological Taxa in San Francisco Bay. Report on the Subtidal Habitats and Associated Biological Taxa in San Francisco Bay. NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service: Santa Rosa, CA. pp 50-55.
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Davis, J. A.; Connor, M. S.; Flegal, A. R.; Conaway, C. H. 2007. Sources, transport, fate and toxicity of pollutants in the San Francisco Bay estuary. Environmental Research : A Multidisciplinary Journal of Environmental Sciences, Ecology and Public Health 105, 1-4.
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Cohen, A. N. 2007. Tanaidacea in The Light & Smith Manual: Intertidal Invertebrates of the California and Oregon Coast. In The Light & Smith Manual: Intertidal Invertebrates of the California and Oregon Coast.. Carlton, J. T., Ed.. The Light & Smith Manual: Intertidal Invertebrates of the California and Oregon Coast. University of California Press: Berkeley, Ca.
Hoenicke, R.; Bleier, C. 2007. Watershed Management and Land Use. CCMP Implementation Committee.
SFEI. 2006. The 2004 to 2005 RMP Annual Monitoring Results. Regional Monitoring Program for Water Quality in the San Francisco Estuary (RMP). SFEI Contribution No. 519. San Francisco Estuary Institute. p 220.
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Davis, J. A.; SFEI. 2006. 2006 Pulse of the Estuary: Monitoring and Managing Water Quality in the San Francisco Estuary. SFEI Contribution No. 517. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Oakland, CA. p 82.
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Cohen, A. N.; Gollasch, S.; Galil, B. S. 2006. Bridging Divides: Maritime Canals as Invasion Corridors. Monographiae Biologicae 83. Kluwer Academic Publishing: Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
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Cohen, A. N.; Minchin, D.; Gollasch, S.; Olenin, S. 2006. Characterizing vectors of marine invasions. In Marine Bioinvasions: Ecology, Conservation and Management Perspectives. Rilov, G., Crooks, J., Eds.. Marine Bioinvasions: Ecology, Conservation and Management Perspectives. Springer: Heidelberg, Germany.
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Oram, J. J.; Melwani, A. R. 2006. Dredging Impacts on Food-Web Bioaccumulation of DDTs in San Francisco Bay, CA. SFEI Contribution No. 418. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Oakland, CA.
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David, N.; Greenfield, B. K.; Siemering, G. S. 2006. Evaluating impacts of Lake Maid plant control. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 44, 60-66.
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Brewster, E. 2006. Land Grant Research and the Pictorial Collection. In Exploring the Bancroft Library. Exploring the Bancroft Library. The Bancroft Library/Signature Books. Vol. In Faulhab, p 196.
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Jabusch, T. W.; Tjeerdema, R. S. 2006. Microbial degradation of penoxsulam in flooded rice field soils. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 54, 5962-5967.
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Oram, J. J.; Greenfield, B. K.; Davis, J. A.; David, N.; Leatherbarrow, J. E. 2006. Organochlorine Pesticide Fate in San Francisco Bay. SFEI Contribution No. 433. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Oakland, CA. p 48.
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Cohen, A. N. 2006. The Panama Canal: Cutting a canal through Central America. In Bridging Divides: Maritime Canals as Invasion Corridor. Cohen, A. N., Gollasch, S., Galil, B. S., Eds.. Bridging Divides: Maritime Canals as Invasion Corridor. Kluwer Academic Publishing: Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
Cohen, A. N. 2006. The Panama Canal: Species Introductions and the Panama Canal. In Bridging Divides: Maritime Canals as Invasion Corridors. Cohen, A. N., Gollasch, S., Galil, B. S., Eds.. Bridging Divides: Maritime Canals as Invasion Corridors. Kluwer Academic Publishing: Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
Jabusch, T. W.; Tjeerdema, R. S. 2006. Photodegradation of penoxsulam. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 54, 5958-5961.
McKee, L. J. .; Pearce, S.; Shonkoff, S. 2006. Pinole Creek Sediment Source Assessment: Pavon Creeks Sub-basin. SFEI Contribution No. 515. San Francisco Estuary Institute. p 67.
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McKee, L. J. .; GeoSyntec,. 2006. Review of methods to reduce urban stormwater loads. SFEI Contribution No. 429. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Oakland. p 150xx.
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Cohen, A. N.; Zabin, C. J. 2006. Shells as vectors. Proceedings of the 2006 West Coast Native Oyster Restoration Workshop.
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