Restoring wetlands in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta (Delta) can mitigate subsidence, sequester carbon, reduce GHG emissions, and provide habitat for wetland dependent species. These benefits–their magnitude, scope, and resilience to future sea level rise–depend on the type and siting of new wetlands; rates of carbon accumulation, GHG emissions, and vertical accretion; and opportunities for wetlands to migrate upslope. To assess this landscape of considerations and inform restoration planning, the Delta Wetlands and Resilience project mapped changes in carbon storage, GHG emissions, and tidal wetland resilience among the past, the present, and a range of future restoration and sea level rise scenarios. Spatial data, results of biogeochemical modeling, and land use-specific GHG emission factors were used to develop two new analysis modules for the Landscape Scenario Planning Tool. With spatially explicit metrics of carbon storage, methane emissions, subsidence, and marsh vertical accretion and migration, this tool offers land use planners a synthetic means to compare the expected climate benefit and resilience of wetlands to sea level rise under different restoration scenarios for the Delta.

Download the Landscape Scenario Planning Tool and other products of this project:

The Landscape Scenario Planning Tool package includes new Carbon and Greenhouse Gas and Wetland Resilience analysis modules

Delta Wetland Futures: Tidal Marsh Resilience to Sea Level Rise summarizes results of wetland resilience and migration space analyses

Delta Wetland Futures: Blue Carbon & Elevation Change summarizes results of carbon, elevation, and greenhouse gas analyses

Morris et al., 2022 describes Delta tidal wetland accretion modeling with the Coastal Wetland Equilibrium Model

2020 to 2023
Stephanie Panlasigui
Programs and Focus Areas: 
Resilient Landscapes Program
Delta Science & Management
Carbon, Ecosystems & Climate
Location Information
General Project Location(s): 
California Delta