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Cohen, A. N.; Carlton, J. T. 2007. Introduced Marine and Estuarine Invertebrates. In The Light & Smith Manual: Intertidal Invertebrates of the California and Oregon Coast. Carlton, J. T., Ed.. The Light & Smith Manual: Intertidal Invertebrates of the California and Oregon Coast. University of California Press: Berkeley, Ca.
Cohen, A. N. 1995. Introduced Species. Prepared for: California's Ocean Resources: An Agenda for the Future, California Resources Agency: Sacramento, CA.
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Cohen, A. N.; Schaeffer, K.; McGourty, K.; Cosentino-Manning, N.; De La Cruz, S. E. Wainwri; Elliot, M.; Allen, S. 2007. Introduction for Report on the Subtidal Habitats and Associated Biological Taxa in San Francisco Bay. In Report on the Subtidal Habitats and Associated Biological Taxa in San Francisco Bay. Report on the Subtidal Habitats and Associated Biological Taxa in San Francisco Bay. NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service. p 35.
Hale, T.; Grosso, C. 2016. An Introduction to EcoAtlas: Applied Aquatic Science. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Richmond, CA. p 16 pages.

This memo was developed by SFEI to introduce the EcoAtlas tools, their intended (target) user community, and the short- and long-term intended applications. 

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Cohen, A. N. 2003. Introduction to the San Francisco Estuary. San Francisco Estuary Institute, Save the Bay and San Francisco Estuary Project: Oakland,CA.
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Cohen, A. N. 2001. An Introduction to the San Francisco Estuary Third Edition. San Francisco Estuary Project, Oakland CA, Save The Bay, Oakland CA and San Francisco Estuary Institute, Richmond CA: Oakland, Ca. Vol. Third Edit.
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Carlton, J. T. 1996. The Invaded estuary (abstract). In In: Third Biennial State of the Estuary Conf.. In: Third Biennial State of the Estuary Conf. San Francisco, CA.
Cohen, A. N.; McGann, M.; Sloan, D. 2000. Invasion by a Japanese marine microorganism in western North America. Hydrobiologia 421, 25-30 . SFEI Contribution No. 343.
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Cohen, A. N. 1997. The invasion of the estuaries. Proc. Second International Spartina Conference, Mar 20-21, 1997, 6-9.
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Cohen, A. N. 1998. The invasion of the Pacific Coast by the European green crab. Eighth International Zebra Mussel and Aquatic Nuisance Species Conference, Page 44.
Cohen, A. N. 1998. The invasion of the Pacific Coast by the European green crab Carcinus maenas. Proc. Eighth Int'l Zebra Mussel and Aquatic Nuisance Species Conf., 173-177.
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Cohen, A. N. 2001. Invasions in the San Francisco Estuary. In National Management Plan. National Management Plan. National Invasive Species Council: Washington DC.
Cohen, A. N. 2004. Invasions in the sea. SFEI Contribution No. 312. Vol. 22, pp 37-41.
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Cohen, A. N. 2004. Invasions in the sea. Park Science 22, 37-41.
Cohen, A. N. 2000. Invasions status and policy on the U. S. west coast. in: Proc. First Nat'l Conf. on Marine Bioinvasions, Jan. 24-27, 1999, Cambridge MA, 40-45.
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Cohen, A. N. 1999. Invasions status and policy on the U. S. west coast. First National Conference on Marine Bioinvasion, 40-45.
Kramer, K. S. 1989. Inventory of Current Monitoring Programs in the San Francisco Bay and Delta. SFEI Contribution No. 155. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Richmond, CA. p 39.
Kramer, K. S. 1989. Inventory of Monitoring Programs in the San Francisco Bay and Delta. SFEI Contribution No. 156. AHI: Richmond, CA. p 48.
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Davis, J. A. 1988. Inventory of Priority Datasets Relating to the San Francisco Estuary. SFEI Contribution No. 141. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Richmond, CA. p 51.
Mahony, A.; Arnold, W.; Miller, E.; Méndez, M.; Sutton, R. 2024. Investigation of quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs) in wastewater effluent, influent, biosolids and environmental matrices in San Francisco Bay. SFEI Contribution No. 1196. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Richmond, CA.

Quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs) are surfactants widely used in a variety of consumer products, particularly as antimicrobials. The COVID-19 pandemic has increased use of products containing QACs. This is of concern because QACs can be toxic to aquatic life at low concentrations. This study was undertaken to evaluate the concentrations of 21 QACs in municipal wastewater influent, effluent, and biosolids from three treatment plants in the San Francisco Bay Area. The QACs detected in wastewater influent in the highest concentrations are those commonly used as antimicrobials in disinfectant products, indicating that disinfectants are likely a large source of QACs to wastewater. While wastewater treatment removed QACs in the aqueous phase, as evidenced by much lower concentrations in effluents than influents, total levels present in treated effluent were still on the order of hundreds of ng/L to low μg/L. High amounts of QACs were found sorbed to biosolids, which could provide another environmental release route.

QACs were also observed in San Francisco Bay water, sediment, and urban stormwater runoff samples collected as part of ongoing monitoring by the Regional Monitoring Program for Water Quality in San Francisco Bay (RMP). Wastewater effluents and stormwater runoff are both pathways for QACs to enter San Francisco Bay. We classify QACs as a Possible Concern for the Bay in the RMP’s tiered risk-based framework for emerging contaminants, based primarily on the limited number of ambient Bay samples analyzed, and recommend additional screening of Bay water in the future.

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Lowe, S.; Huck, K.; Misico, A.; Scirbe, L.; Sussman, D. 2023. Lahontan Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program’s 20-Year Water Quality Review and Program Recommendations. SFEI Contribution No. 1110. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Richmond. CA. p 137.

This 20-year water quality monitoring status and trends report for the Lahontan Water Board’s Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (Regional SWAMP) provides an overview of the environmental settings across the Region to give the reader a sense of the diverse ecological landscape, land uses, distribution and abundance of aquatic resources, and fire history. It includes a retrospective analysis of the Regional SWAMP’s ongoing, targeted water quality monitoring results (2000 - 2021), and concludes by presenting an adaptive monitoring and assessment framework (adapted from the California Wetlands Monitoring Workgroup's Wetland and Riparian Monitoring Plan, known as "WRAMP").  The framework was used to review the program and recommend future monitoring changes to improve efficiencies and address some of the recommendations listed in the Regional SWAMP's 2019 Core Program Review. 

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Brewster, E. 2006. Land Grant Research and the Pictorial Collection. In Exploring the Bancroft Library. Exploring the Bancroft Library. The Bancroft Library/Signature Books. Vol. In Faulhab, p 196.
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Beller, E. E.; Robinson, A.; Grossinger, R. M.; Grenier, J. Letitia. 2015. Landscape Resilience Framework: Operationalizing Ecological Resilience at the Landscape Scale. SFEI Contribution No. 752. San Francisco Estuary Institute - Aquatic Science Center: Richmond, CA.
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SFEI. 2023. Landscape Scenario Planning Tool User Guide v2.2.0. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Richmond, Calif.
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Grossinger, R. M.; Brewster, E. 2001. Land Use Timeline for Crow Canyon and the San Lorenzo Creek Watershed. SFEI Contribution No. 352. Alameda Countywide Clean Water Program. p 6 pp.
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Flegal, A. R. 1997. Lead levels in the oceans. Encyclopedia of Environmental Analysis and Remediation(H. Ben-Zvi, editor)John Wiley & Sons, Inc. In press . SFEI Contribution No. 24.
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Vaughn, L. Smith; Plane, E.; Harris, K.; Robinson, A.; Grenier, L. 2022. Leveraging Wetlands for a Better Climate Future: Incorporating Blue Carbon into California's Climate Planning. SFEI Contribution No. 1084. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Richmond, CA. p 31.

The 2022 update to California’s climate change Scoping Plan incorporates management actions in the state’s forests, shrublands/chaparral, grasslands, croplands, developed lands, deltaic wetlands, and sparsely vegetated lands. Missing from this list are the tidally-influenced coastal ecosystems outside the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. These blue carbon ecosystems support high rates of carbon storage and sequestration while providing many co-benefits that can enhance coastal climate change resilience. With sufficient data and robust modeling approaches, California has the opportunity to incorporate blue carbon in future Scoping Plan updates and set actionable targets for restoration, migration space conservation, and other management activities that promote long-term survival of the state’s coastal wetlands. To support this goal, this report offers a high-level overview of the state of the science for blue carbon quantification in California. This summary, which covers datasets and quantification approaches, key focus areas for additional science investment, and example scenarios for coastal wetland restoration, is intended to facilitate broader inclusion of blue carbon in future Scoping Plan updates and other state-level climate-planning documents.

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Vaughn, L. Smith; Panlasigui, S.; Spotswood, E. 2020. Livestock grazing and its effects on ecosystem structure, processes, and conservation. SFEI Contribution No. 1011. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Richmond, CA.
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Hampton, L. M. Thornto; De Frond, H.; Hermabessiere, L.; Miller, E.; de Ruijter, V. N.; Faltynkova, A.; Kotar, S.; Monclús, L.; Siddiqui, S.; Völker, J.; et al. 2022. A living tool for the continued exploration of microplastic toxicity. Microplastics and Nanoplastics 2 (13).

Throughout the past decade, many studies have reported adverse effects in biota following microplastic exposure. Yet, the field is still emerging as the current understanding of microplastic toxicity is limited. At the same time, recent legislative mandates have required environmental regulators to devise strategies to mitigate microplastic pollution and develop health-based thresholds for the protection of human and ecosystem health. The current publication rate also presents a unique challenge as scientists, environmental managers, and other communities may find it difficult to keep up with microplastic research as it rapidly evolves. At present, there is no tool that compiles and synthesizes the data from these studies to allow for visualization, interpretation, or analysis. Here, we present the Toxicity of Microplastics Explorer (ToMEx), an open access database and open source accompanying R Shiny web application that enables users to upload, search, visualize, and analyze microplastic toxicity data. Though ToMEx was originally created to facilitate the development of health-based thresholds to support California legislations, maintaining the database by the greater scientific community will be invaluable to furthering research and informing policies globally. The database and web applications may be accessed at https://microplastics.sccwrp.org/.

Gunther, A. J.; Blanchard, C.; Gardels, K. 1991. The Loading of Toxic Contaminants to the San Francisco Bay -Delta in Urban Runoff. SFEI Contribution No. 167. San Francisco Estuary Institue: Richmond, CA. p 82.
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Davis, J. A. 2004. The Long-Term Fate of PCBs in San Francisco Bay. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23, 2396-2409.
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Lowe, S.; Salomon, M.; Pearce, S. 2016. Lower Peninsula Watershed Condition Assessment 2016. Technical memorandum prepared for the Santa Clara Valley Water District - Priority D5 Project. SFEI Contribution No. 809. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Richmond, CA. p 49.

In 2016 The Santa Clara Valley Water District and its consultants conducted a watershed wide survey to characterize the distribution and abundance of the aquatic resources within the Lower Peninsula watershed wtihin Santa Clara County, CA based on available GIS data, and to assess the overall ecological condition of streams within the watershed based on a statistically based, random sample design and the California Rapid Assessment Method for streams (CRAM).

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Spotswood, E.; Grossinger, R.; Hagerty, S.; Bazo, M.; Benjamin, M.; Beller, E.; Grenier, L.; Askevold, R. A. 2019. Making Nature's City. SFEI Contribution No. 947. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Richmond, CA.

Cities will face many challenges over the coming decades, from adapting to a changing climate to accommodating rapid population growth. A related suite of challenges threatens global biodiversity, resulting in many species facing extinction. While urban planners and conservationists have long treated these issues as distinct, there is growing evidence that cities not only harbor a significant fraction of the world’s biodiversity, but also that they can also be made more livable and resilient for people, plants, and animals through nature-friendly urban design. 

Urban ecological science can provide a powerful tool to guide cities towards more biodiversity-friendly design. However, current research remains scattered across thousands of journal articles and is largely inaccessible to practitioners. Our report Making Nature’s City addresses these issues, synthesizing global research to develop a science-based approach for supporting nature in cities. 

Using the framework outlined in the report, urban designers and local residents can work together to connect, improve, and expand upon city greenspaces to better support biodiversity while making cities better places to live. As we envision healthier and more resilient cities, Making Nature’s City provides practical guidance for the many actors who together will shape the nature of cities.

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Cohen, A. N. 1997. Marine biological invasions: lessons from the San Francisco Estuary. Ann. Mtg., Estuarine Research Federation, Providence RI (abstract)..