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Regan Murray, BA

GIS Analyst
Environmental Informatics Program
Geographic Information Systems

Regan Murray is a GIS Analyst working for the Environmental Informatics program. Regan double majored in Cartography & GIS and Rhetorical Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison where she additionally worked with the Gibbs Land Use and Environment Lab and the  Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. Prior to joining SFEI, Regan worked for the Bureau of Land Management's Plant Conservation and Restoration Program. 


Related Projects, News, and Events

RipZET: A GIS-based Tool for Estimating Riparian Zones (Project)

The Riparian Zone Estimator Tool (RipZET) is a decision support tool developed by the San Francisco Estuary Institute and Aquatic Science Center for the California Riparian Habitat Joint Venture and the California Water Resources Control Board to assist in the visualization and characterization of riparian areas in the watershed context.

New Baylands Habitat Map Tracks Restoration Progress (News)

The Baylands Habitat Map 2020 is the first complete map of San Francisco Bay wetland and aquatic habitats produced since 2009. It provides updated maps of tidal habitats and diked baylands, expanding our understanding of the full impact of recent habitat change and restoration.

Created by the Wetland Regional Monitoring Program and San Francisco Estuary Institute, and funded by the US EPA Water Quality Improvement Fund, this effort marks a major advancement in tracking habitat change in the Bay.

A Drone Upgrade and a New Pilot Propel SFEI’s Efforts (News)

Join us in congratulating SFEI's Associate GIS Specialist, Kat Palermo, for successfully attaining her Part 107 Remote Pilot License from the FAA! She joins GIS Manager, Pete Kauhanen, as a second drone pilot at SFEI. This achievement, along with the acquisition of a DJI Mavic 3 Enterprise small Unoccupied Aerial Vehicle (sUAV), significantly enhances SFEI’s monitoring and science communication capabilities. The advanced drone features a high-quality sensor on a stabilizing gimbal and a Real Time Kinetic (RTK) module, enabling centimeter-level accuracy.

California Aquatic Resource Inventory (CARI) (Project)

The California Aquatic Resources Inventory (CARI) is a Geographic Information System (GIS) based map of wetlands, streams, and riparian areas within California that is hosted online through EcoAtlas.

Baylands Habitat Map 2020 (Project)

The Baylands Habitat Map 2020 (BHM 2020) updates the existing map of tidal marsh, tidal flats and diked baylands and incorporates the many changes in baylands distribution and abundance that have occurred over the last two decades. It also includes new information about land use and infrastructure that affects baylands restoration and management constraints and opportunities.

Suisun Landscapes (Project)

The largest brackish marsh on the West Coast, Suisun Marsh is a unique transitional landscape between San Francisco Bay and the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. The Marsh supports high ecological diversity and has long been managed for recreational hunting and native species support, yet it is threatened by an uncertain future under climate change. Effective adaptation in Suisun will require coordinated, science-based planning by agencies and private landowners.