Oct 7, 2018

Current North Coast watershed steward and former SFEI staff scientist Chuck Striplen penned an article for Bay Nature that identifies a number of challenges California faces, while illustrating the lines of connection between the past and present. Colonized California has consistently disparaged native ecological practices, just as it has neglected its tribal relationships. Now, Striplen contends, it is the time to reconsider those practices for their vital roles in promoting resilience and managing combustible fuel loads. At the same time, California, according to Striplen, must reinvest in the relationships with tribes who might help to address these challenges in partnership with the State's stewardship resources. The wildfires that are an increasing hallmark of climate change, in other words, have human problems at their root. There is hope, however, as human relationships can also serve to address those problems.

Chuck Striplen
Programs and Focus Areas: 
Resilient Landscapes Program
Historical Ecology