Moran, K.; Gilbreath, A.; Méndez, M.; Lin, D.; Sutton, R. 2023. Tire Wear: Emissions Estimates and Market Insights to Inform Monitoring Design. SFEI Contribution No. 1109. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Richmond, CA.

Every vehicle on the road sheds tiny particles from its rubber tires into the environment. Tire wear is one of the top sources of microplastic releases to the environment. Tire wear also disperses tire-related chemicals into the environment. SFEI studies supported by the Regional Monitoring Program for Water Quality in San Francisco Bay (RMP) and others have found tire wear particles and tire-related chemicals in San Francisco Bay and its small tributaries, which drain the Bay watershed’s local urban areas. The RMP has developed a short-term multi-year plan of potential special studies (“Tires Strategy”) that responds to recent data revealing the magnitude of tire particle and chemical emissions and their potential toxicity to aquatic organisms.

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