Lowe, S. 2017. MS4 2009 Permit Monitoring Results (2010-2015) Summary of Sonoma County Water Agency’s Data for two Sites in Santa Rosa Creek. SFEI Contribution No. 832. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Richmond. CA. p 35.

This memo summarizes the Sonoma County Water Agency's  2009 receiving water monthly monitoring results for the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board's NPDES Permit No. R1-2009-0050.  The data were compiled, formatted and uploaded to SFEI’s Regional Data Center and are availble through CEDEN (https://ceden.waterboards.ca.gov/AdvancedQueryTool) under the Program Name "Russian River MS4 Program" and Project Names "2009 5 year Permit for RR_MS4 Program SCWA" and "2009 5 year Permit for RR_MS4 Program CSR".  The memo summarizes field measures and water chemistry, bacteria, and toxiciity results from two receving waters sites in Santa Rosa Creek downstream (C1-SRC-D) and upstream of the City of Santa Rosa.  

This memo was funded by a Suplemental Environmental Project (SEP) settlement of an enforcement action by the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board against the County of Sonoma.  2016.