Amy Kleckner's picture

Amy Kleckner, MS

Senior Project Manager
Clean Water Program
Bay Regional Monitoring Program

Amy Kleckner is the Program Manager for the Regional Monitoring Program for Water Quality in San Francisco Bay.  She earned her B.S. and M.S. in Marine Biology from San Francisco State University.  Beginning in 2005, Amy worked on several long-term San Francisco Bay monitoring programs for the US Geological Survey on topics such as basic water quality, selenium, metal contamination, and invasive species.  At USGS she coordinated hundreds of Bay research cruises and developed an analytical method for selenium, among other tasks on a diverse array of studies.  Amy is also an accomplished tennis coach and science teacher, working with students of all ages.  

Related Projects, News, and Events

Storms drive emerging contaminants into the Bay (News)

Rainfall washes contaminants from urban landscapes to San Francisco Bay, degrading water quality. In the latest RMP Update, we highlight the findings of a major multi-year screening study to quantify hundreds of emerging contaminants in stormwater. Our investigation shows that urban stormwater runoff transports toxic chemicals including PFAS, flame retardants, plastic additives, auto tire chemicals, and many others, with concentrations often similar to discharges of municipal wastewater effluent. Further characterization of emerging contaminants in stormwater is a priority for future work.