SFEI will leverage its experience as a Regional Data Center for CEDEN to deliver a scientifically sound data management strategy and plan for the Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake (HPUL) and the Lake County Watershed Protection District (District). The main tasks for Phase 1 include summarizing existing and water quality data currently being collected in Lake County, developing templates and guidance for uploading data, formatting and exchanging data with the California Environmental Data Exchange Network (CEDEN) and USEPA's Water Quality Exchange (WQX), and preparing user-friendly factsheets and Data Management Plan.

The main tasks that will be completed under Phase 1 of this project include:

  1. Provide technical support to HPUL and District;
  2. Familiarize and review all existing water quality data that has been collected by HPUL and District;
  3. Develop project and templates for data of existing and current water quality data collection projects to be uploaded into CEDEN;
  4. Design and create online data access information so that future staffers and project partners can upload appropriate data into the established projects in CEDEN and WQX; and
  5. Facilitate and assist the HPUL and the District in developing a Water Quality Data Management Plan.

This work will facilitate greater availability, use, and analysis of the wealth of data produced by HPUL and the District. Once in SFEI's data center, CEDEN, and WQX, the data will serve a range of new purposes. As such, this work will position HPUL and the District for future opportunities.

2021 to 2023
Daniella Cazares, HPUL
Christina Harrison, HPUL
Vicky Hutchison, HPUL
Linda Rosas-Bill, HPUL
Angela De Palma-Dow, District
Jordan Beaton, District
Ryan Carey, District
Programs and Focus Areas: 
Environmental Informatics Program
Data Services
Location Information
General Project Location(s): 
Lake County