Jul 19, 2016

In response to findings from a 2015 Regional Monitoring Program (RMP) Special Study on microplastic pollution in the Bay, the Program has begun to develop a strategy for further microplastic monitoring and science. A SFEI-hosted workshop on June 29th brought together key stakeholders and a panel of scientific experts, including Anna-Marie Cook (USEPA), Dr. Sherri Mason (SUNY Fredonia), and Dr. Chelsea Rochman (UC Davis). The Bay Area Clean Water Agencies and other technical experts also participated. Workshop participants benefited from a crash course in the state of the science concerning microplastics, defined as particles of plastic smaller than 5 mm. Consensus developed around the need for robust analytical methods and for additional monitoring in Bay matrices. A draft strategy will be available for review in the fall of 2016. Meanwhile, the results of the 2015 study are now available as a journal article in Marine Pollution Bulletin.

For more Microplastic Pollution Information go to:  http://www.sfei.org/projects/microplastic-pollution

Associated Staff: 
Programs and Focus Areas: 
Clean Water Program
Bay Regional Monitoring Program