Nov 1, 2012

Return of the Alma

SFEI scientist Robin Grossinger has been invited to sail on the Alma, a historic schooner that was built at a shipyard near Hunter's Point in 1891. On November 1, the Alma will sail from Aquatic Park to the historic shipyard where the scow was built in India Basin. This event will open the Year of the Bay — a year which brings the America’s Cup and the opening of a new span of the Bay Bridge. The morning sail is modeled on the voyages of discovery, and will include scientists, naturalists, cartographers, writers, and historians. After landing, the team will proceed to the EcoCenter at Heron's Head Park for lunch, conversations about history, and natural history talks. Participants are encouraged to crowdsource a new environmental history and new future around the Bay by sharing photographs, maps, and other documents.

Robin will be giving a presentation during the sail.

The event is sponsored by Stanford University, the San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park, Historypin, the California Historical Society, Heyday Books, and the EcoCenter at Heron's Head Park. For more information, visit Year of the Bay.

Programs and Focus Areas: 
Resilient Landscapes Program