Caitlin Crain's picture

Caitlin Crain, PhD

Senior Tidal Wetland Ecologist
Resilient Landscapes Program
Shoreline Resilience

Caitlin is a coastal ecologist who specializes in community dynamics of wetlands within a landscape context. She has conducted extensive field work examining the important processes driving wetland plant community structure across estuarine salinity gradients, such as physical stress, plant competition and herbivory.  She also enjoys scientific synthesis and translation to broaden the application of scientific research and to reach new audiences.  She has researched the cumulative impacts of multiple human stressors on marine ecosystems and has written broadly on the protective role of coastal marshes.  Caitlin received her BA from Wesleyan University and a PhD in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from Brown University.

Related Projects, News, and Events

Baylands Change Basemap (Project)

The Baylands Change Basemap will update the existing map of tidal marsh, tidal flats and diked baylands to incorporate the many changes in baylands distribution and abundance that have occurred over the last two decades. It will also include new information about land use and infrastructure that affects baylands restoration and management constraints and opportunities. To ensure the map is as up-to-date as possible, the project will develop procedures for ongoing local updates and change detection to cost-effectively maintain the basemap’s high value.