Flood Control Channel Classification Scheme for the San Francisco Bay Region. . San Francisco Bay Region Flood Control Channel Classification . SFEI Contribution No. 1046. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Richmond, CA.
2021. (11.94 MB)OPC Coastal Wetlands, Beaches and Watersheds Inventory Factsheet, March 2021th ed.
2021. (4.3 MB)West Valley Watershed Assessment 2018: Baseline Ecological Condition Assessment of Southwest San Francisco Bay Creeks in Santa Clara County; Calabazas, San Tomas Aquino, Saratoga, Sunnyvale East and West. . SFEI Contribution No. 944. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Richmond.
2019. (5.02 MB)This report describes baseline information about the amount and distribution of aquatic resources, and evaluates the overall ecological conditions of streams using the California Rapid Assessment Method (CRAM), for the West Valley watershed in Santa Clara County; consisting of Sunnyvale East and West Channels, Calabazas Creek, San Tomas Aquino and Saratoga creeks, and many smaller tributaries.
North Bay Mercury Biosentinel Project: 2016 - 2017. SFEI Contribution No. 868.
2018. (1.59 MB)Demonstration of a Watershed Approach to Wetland Restoration Planning for Load Reductions: A Pilot Demonstration Project Using GreenPlan-IT in the Santa Rosa Plain, Sonoma County, California. SFEI Contribution No. 996. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Richmond. CA.
. 2017. (761.48 KB) (420.02 KB) (1.29 MB) (1.67 MB) (2.09 MB)This summary memorandum presents technical recommendations to the 401 Certification and Waste Discharge Program (401 Program) of the State Water Resources Control Board (State Board) for a coherent, scientifically sound, repeatable, watershed approach to wetland restoration site evaluation, compliance monitoring and assessment, and Tracking. The recommendations are drawn from the previous four memoranda produced for the Pilot Demonstration Project (Project) that address the following subjects: project work plan and information flow diagram; scientific literature review; landscape scenario planning (to map and prioritize restoration opportunities); and a framework for a watershed-approach to evaluate and report the capacity of a wetland restoration site to protect wetland beneficial uses.
This Project focused on a sub-watershed of the Santa Rosa Plain, in Sonoma County, California. The area was chosen for the Project for three reasons: (1) it is integral to an existing nutrient TMDL and therefore is supported relatively well with hydrological and nutrient data; (2) the historical and existing wetlands and streams of the area were mapped recently in sufficient detail to inform landscape planning; and (3) implementation of the TMDL will involve wetland restoration to reduce downstream nutrient loads, and therefore the Project may help implement the TMDL.
The primary overall purpose of this Project was to explore how numerical simulation and statistical modeling could be combined with existing wetland assessment and reporting tools to create a coherent, watershed-based approach to wetland beneficial use protection. Any relevance to the existing nutrient TMDL for the demonstration area is an intentional, but secondary benefit of this Project.
Lower Peninsula Watershed Condition Assessment 2016: Southwest San Francisco Bay, Santa Clara County, San Francisquito to Stevens Creeks. Technical memorandum prepared for the Santa Clara Valley Water District. . SFEI Contribution No. 809. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Richmond. p 53.
2017. (5.17 MB)Framework to coordinate water quality improvement and wildlife habitat conservation to protect California streams, wetlands, and riparian areas.
2016. (6.62 MB)Project funded by an USEPA Wetland Program Development Grant (Region 9) #99T05901: Framework for Coordinated Assessment of CA Wildlife Habitat and Aquatic Resource Areas
. SFEI Contribution No. 776. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Richmond, CA. p 89.The emergence of comparable landscape approaches to wildlife conservation and water quality improvement through federal and California state regulatory and management programs provides an opportunity for their coordination to better protect California’s aquatic resources, especially streams, wetlands, and riparian areas. Such coordination is patently desirable. A framework has been developed to help coordinate restoration and compensatory mitigation across policies governing wildlife conservation and water quality in the landscape context. The framework is based on the Wetland and Riparian Area Monitoring Plan (WRAMP) of the California Wetland Monitoring Workgroup (CWMW) of the Water Quality Monitoring Council. The framework presented in this memorandum is a version of the standard WRAMP framework. It only differs from the standard framework to better accommodate wildlife conservation planning, assessment and reporting. To distinguish this version from the standard version, it is termed the 'WRAMP for wildlife'.
Upper Pajaro River Watershed Condition Assessment 2015. Technical memorandum prepared for the Santa Clara Valley Water District - Priority D5 Project. SFEI Contribution No. 810. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Richmond, CA. p 60.
2016. (6.46 MB)In 2015 The Santa Clara Valley Water District and it's consultants conducted a watershed wide survey to characterize the distribution and abundance of the aquatic resources within the upper Pajaro River watershed wtihin Santa Clara County, CA based on available GIS datasets, and to assess the overall ecological condition of streams within the watershed based on a statistically based random sample design and the California Rapid Assessment Method for streams (CRAM).
Creating Landscape Profiles of Aquatic Resource Abundance, Diversity and Condition. SFEI Contribution No. 725. San Francisco Estuary Institute - Aquatic Science Center: Richmond, CA. p 21.
2014. (651.67 KB)Initial Protocol to Identify and Delineate the Head of Tide Zone in San Francisco Bay Tributaries. SFEI Contribution No. 719. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Richmond, CA.
2014. (8.39 MB)Santa Rosa Plain Wetlands Profile: A Demonstration of the CaliforniaWetland and Riparian Area Monitoring Plan. SFEI Contribution No. 726. San Francisco Estuary Institute - Aquatic Science Center: Richmond, CA. p 46.
2014. (3.03 MB)Demonstration Watershed Assessment For the Tahoe Basin Using the Wetland & Riparian Area Monitoring Plan. SFEI Contribution No. 703. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Richmond, CA.
2013. (14.45 MB)Statistical Design, Analysis, and Graphics for the Guadalupe River Watershed Assessment 2012. SFEI Contribution No. 687. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Richmond, CA.
2013. (4.88 MB)Napa River Watershed Profile: Past and Present Characteristics with Implications for Future Management of the Changing Napa River Valley. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Richmond, CA. p 172.
2012. (26.7 MB)Assessment Framework as a Tool for Integrating and Communicating Watershed Health Indicators for the San Francisco Estuary. SFEI Contribution No. 634. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Oakland, CA.
2011. (2.14 MB)LTMS Symposium on Methylmercury in Dredging Operations and Dredged Sediment Reuse in the San Francisco Estuary. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Oakland, Ca.
2010. 2010.
Third Summary Report Montezuma Wetlands Restoration Project Technical Review Team. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Oakland, CA.
2010. (3.5 MB) 2008.
The Historical Ecology of Napa Valley: An Introduction. SFEI Contribution No. 557.
2008. (33.68 MB) (5.01 MB)Mercury and Methylmercury Processes in North San Francisco Bay Tidal Wetland Ecosystems. SFEI Contribution No. 449. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Oakland, CA.
2008. (1.5 MB)CRAM Evaluation of Wetland Conditions. SFEI Contribution No. 544. Elk Grove, California. p 15.
2007. (5.29 MB)Ecological Connections between Baylands and Uplands: Examples from Marin County. SFEI Contribution No. 521.
2007. (34.69 MB)Comparison of Methods to Map California Riparian Areas. . SFEI Contribution No. 522.
2006. (13.1 MB)Coyote Creek Watershed Historical Ecology Study: Historical Conditions and Landscape Change in the Eastern Santa Clara Valley, California. SFEI Contribution No. 426. San Francisco Estuary Institute.
2006. (188.33 MB) (27.61 MB) (27.49 MB)Second Annual Report Montezuma Wetlands Restoration Project Technical Review Team. SFEI Contribution No. 516.
2006. (57.39 MB)Mercury and Methylmercury Processes in North San Francisco Bay Tidal Wetland Ecosystems. CalFed with San Francisco Estuary Institute as primary contractor.
2005. A practical guide for the development of a wetland rapid assessment method: the California experience. J. of the American Water Resources Association . SFEI Contribution No. 448.
2005. T-Sheet User Guide: Application of the Historical U.S. Coast Survey Maps to Environmental Management in the San Francisco Bay Area. SFEI Contribution No. 427. San Francisco Estuary Institute: SF. p 45.
2005. (8.6 MB)Analysis of Reference Tidal Channel Plan Form for the Montezuma Wetlands Restoration Project. SFEI Contribution No. 80. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Oakland, CA.
2004. (5.96 MB)Baylands Vegetation Mapping Protocol (Version 1.0). SFEI Contribution No. 304. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Oakland, CA.
2004. (450.49 KB)First Annual Report of the Montezuma Wetlands Restoration Project Technical Review Team. SFEI Contribution No. 102. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Oakland, CA.
2004. (4.56 MB)The Role of Sedimentation in Estuarine Marsh Development within the San Francisco Estuary, California, USA. Journal of Coastal Research 20, 970-979 . SFEI Contribution No. 404.
2004. Summary of the MeHg Panels of the 2004 CalFed Science Conference. Prepared with the advice and review of the Panelists. CalFed Science Conference, 2004, 2.
2004. (55.25 KB)Synthesis of Scientific Knowledge: for maintaining and improving functioning of the South Bay Ecosystem and Restoring Tidal Salt Marsh and Associated Habitats over the next 50 years at Pond and Pond-Complex Scales. SFEI Contribution No. 308.
2004. (16.01 MB)Wetland Habitat Changes in the Rodeo Lagoon Watershed, Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Marin County, CA. SFEI Contribution No. 116. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Oakland, CA.
2004. (13.65 MB)California Rapid Assessment Method (CRAM) - Part 2. SFEI Contribution No. 285. San Francisco Estuary Institute.
2003. (2.79 MB)Carbon-isotope, diatom, and pollen evidence of late Holocene salinity changes in a brackish marsh in the San Francisco Estuary. Quaternary Research 55, 66-76 . SFEI Contribution No. 467.
2003. DRAFT California Rapid Assessment (CRAM) Verification Approach. SFEI Contribution No. 283. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Oakland, CA. p p. 9.
2003. 2003.
Draft Guidelines for Developing the CRAM Metrics. SFEI Contribution No. 284. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Oakland, CA. p 2.
2003. (4.88 KB) 2003.
Potential for increased mercury accumulation in the Estuary food web: Issues in San Francisco Estuary Tidal Wetlands Restoration. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 1 . SFEI Contribution No. 288.
2003. Practical Guidebook to the Control of Invasive Aquatic and Wetland Plants of the San Francisco Bay - Delta Region. SFEI Contribution No. 127. San Francisco Estuary Institute.
2003. South Bay Updates Modern Baylands Habitat Coverage Bay Area EcoAtlas Information System. SFEI Contribution No. 282. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Oakland, CA.
2003. California Rapid Assessment Method for Wetlands v. 1.0. SFEI Contribution No. 246. San Francisco Estuary Institute. p 18.
2002. Data Collection Protocol Distribution, Abundance, and Treatment of Non-indigenous Speicies of Cordgrass in the San Francisco Estuary. SFEI Contribution No. 247. San Francisco Estuary Institute: Oakland, CA. p 44.
2002. (1.18 MB)Executive Summary 2002 (Wetlands Science Program). SFEI Contribution No. 250. San Francisco Estuary Institute. p 4.
2002. (27.74 KB)Executive Summary: SFEI Component of the Integrated Regional Wetlands Monitoring Pilot Project. SFEI Contribution No. 251. San Francisco Estuary Institute. p 2.
2002. (75.19 KB)The Historical Geography and Biogeography of Tidal Salt Marshes (Abstract). San Francisco Estuary Institute.
2002. (5.66 KB)