The purpose of the Aquatic Science Center is the promotion and delivery of science support functions and information management for governmental and non-governmental organizations with roles in water quality protection, policy development, and assessment.

The Aquatic Science Center (ASC) is a Joint Powers Authority created by the State Water Resources Control Board and the Bay Area Clean Water Agencies. It is staffed entirely by SFEI employees. ASC is designed to assist with the efficient delivery of financial, scientific, monitoring, and information management support functions including:

  1. Integrating, evaluating, managing, and reporting of data and information about the condition of waters and aquatic ecosystems, stressors acting on conditions, and the potential implications of alternative management responses and scenarios;
  2. Connecting science to decision-making processes involving a broad array of stakeholders, and providing a forum and mechanism to refine and use adaptive management principles in beneficial use protection and restoration;
  3. Strengthening the integration of regional monitoring information generated through a variety of efforts, and communicating relevant conclusions to a wide variety of decision-makers;
  4. Promoting and administering the Bay Area regional data center in the California Environmental Information Exchange Network and providing information technology support to the environmental management community and watershed stewardship groups; and
  5. Providing an effective mechanism for science support to other public agencies involved in environmental planning and decision-making, as well as a forum for developing and adjusting the environmental management, policy, and assessment questions that form the basis of applied research and monitoring programs in aquatic ecosystems in central and northern California.



4911 Central Avenue
Richmond, CA 94804
p: (510) 746-7334 
f: (510) 746-7300

Meredith Lofthouse
p: (510) 746-7334