Feb 1, 2011

The California Rapid Assessment Method (CRAM) for wetlands is getting traction in providing data to help regulators identify appropriate mitigation ratios for a number of large transportation infrastructure projects. To establish a baseline of wetland condition and to evaluate success of restoration and mitigation efforts, staff was asked to lead a number of training classes for Caltrans and their consultants. Sarah Pearce, Josh Collins, and our North Coast partner Chad Roberts will introduce CRAM at an executive-level training in Sacramento scheduled for February 23-24. In addition, Sarah and Chad will conduct a practitioner-level training in Ukiah and Willits for the riverine and wet meadow modules from February 28 through March 4. Caltrans will use CRAM in the Willits Valley this spring and summer for project fi eld assessments. More classes in other areas of the state are being offered.
Visit http://www.cramwetlands.org for more details.

Programs and Focus Areas: 
Environmental Informatics Program